Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Going Missing

In A Pefect Stranger, the husband goes missing suddenly one day. Yet, how many of us are missing each day. How many go through the day on automatic, not truly there, not feeling or saying that which is going on in our relationships and in our hearts? How important it is to be present, moment by moment with everything life brings to us.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In A Perfect Stranger the world seems so safe, nestled among trees, hills and lakes in a small Midwestern town. But then, little by little, as the surface calm is shaken, the truth of life comes out by itself, and the characters must search for deeper understanding of themselves, others and how to find real peace of mind.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Longing for Love

The longing for love is incredible, endless. Usually it lives and breathes in us, underground. Then, when it emerges, our lives are shaken. People look different, the day changes...this is a time of both great beauty and great danger. For Megan it was both.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Tapestry of Love

The different characters together form a tapestry of love. Different hopes, dreams, plans and memories exist for all of them. Some of these will be realized, others cannot be. Which characters do you like the best? Which characters do you feel will bring out the best in each other?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Do You Know?

How do you know when the time is right to step out once again into life and allow yourself a new love? After Megan's husband goes missing, in A Perfect Stranger, she spends months searching for him, expecting to wake up one day from what feels like a terrible dream. But then something new happens, an unexpected storm and then an opening into a world she never dreamt possible. How could she know the time was right? How could she know if he would one day return?

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Struggle to Break Free from Lies

Until she struggled to break free from lies, Megan never really knew the truth about what it meant to love and how powerful it was. There's a beautiful poem about this by Kabir that says,
            "A feeling that is here one minute

                   And gone the next

                     Cannot be called love."
In the struggle to break free from lies we grow strong and brave. In A Perfect Stranger, Megan never knew until she had to face the truth about her marriage, what it meant to really love. A beautiful poem by Kabir about this says,

           "A feeling that is here one moment
                   And gone the next,
              Cannot be called love."